One Way Conversation

Discussions Collection

2022, digital photomontage, 297 x 420 mm

  • This series comprises artworks that aim to bring attention to the glaringly one-sided conversations surrounding the restitution of stolen cultural artifacts from former colonial powers to their colonies. In particular, it focuses on the current discussions taking place in Germany, which are both absurd and disrespectful, as they blatantly disregard the harsh realities of colonialism. The pieces shed light on the unbalanced nature of these conversations, highlighting the urgent need for a more inclusive and empathetic dialogue that acknowledges the historical injustices caused by colonialism.

  • This collection encompasses a series of thought-provoking works in which I aim to illuminate and interrogate the kinds of discussions that are addressing the diverse dynamics of oppression. Through these artworks, I hope to highlight the importance of engaging in meaningful conversations that address the many facets of oppression in our society.



